Sunday 2 October 2016

Ominous Woods

       I had been driving for two hours now maybe three and it had started to get dark, I drove on the empty pitch black road illuminated by my high beams. This road was the only one that took you passed what was called the ominous woods, it snaked through the dense woods trees either side. There were no lamp posts and you weren't meant to have a high beam on so usually driving you can only see a couple meters in front of you but I switched them on for my own safety thinking nothing of it.
       Enervation overcame me and I fought to keep my eyes open, I was on the brink of sleep then suddenly an object moved in front of the car and I hit the breaks screeching to a halt. I threw open my car door and ran to the front of my car, nothing was there, something was off the place was suddenly quiet but I decided to disdain that thought and blame it on a lack of sleep so walked over to my car which surprisingly was locked. I was sure I didn't lock or even close the door but I turned a blind eye to this discovery and got into the car. For my own safety, I pulled over to the side and decided to get some rest but as I placed my foot down I heard a splash. Baffled I looked down and noticed the car had a pool of water in it. As I raised my head a thick mist appeared out of thin air and all my windows fogged up. As there wasn't enough energy in my body to care I lowered my seat into a flat position and slept.
       Abruptly there was a loud bang which killed my slumber, I looked ahead to see and hand mark on the window that had been dragged off encircled by the fog. This was definitely not my mind playing tricks on me due to the lack of sleep. A wave of fear and nausea came over me, I rapidly sat up and started the car. I slammed my foot down on the accelerate. My car shot forwards, I was speeding down the narrow road and suddenly out of nowhere a body stood in the middle of the road facing me screaming. She was a middle-aged woman in a white dress, flowing back as if in the wind. She had extremely pale skin and her small delicate hands were in her white hair which flowed back in all directions. I slammed on my breaks and my car fishtailed and suddenly stopped with a thud. I hit the woman. I threw open my door and leapt out into the fog, using my hands I followed my way around the car but as I went the fog grew thicker. By the time I reached the front of my car you couldn't see your hand in front of your own face, the body had mysteriously vanished. I turned and faced my car and I saw the woman's face behind the wheel. She had an evil grin and laughed in a crazy manner. The car shot forward, I was paralysed with fear then...

Saturday 17 September 2016

Someone's In My Bed

       My eyes flew open as my body fled in fear from that awful dream. I lay on my soft bed wrapped up in my thick duvet in a puddle of sweat, my room was fully dark apart from that one light source coming through cracks in the curtains. I inspected my room noticing a piece of paper on the white, soft, warm carpet. The paper was creased and had charcoal markings which I couldn't quite make out.  Squinting, trying to read the paper, I felt an object move across my face, the slight breeze embraced me and inserted a level of curiosity into my body. I felt the duvet around my body tighten and pull me back into the centre of the bed. I tried to raise my arms, kick my legs but they wouldn't move, I couldn't control my body. I flooded with fear and tried to scream but my mouth wouldn't move my facial expression didn't even change. I was rolled onto my front and it felt as if someone was sitting on top of me whilst loads of other hands were feeling the edges of my body. My eyes followed my body to the foot of my bed where I saw a silhouette figure standing staring, I tried to scream but no sound came out.
       I was violently rocked side to side, I could feel each hand pushing either side. The weight I felt on my body formed into two hands placed on my chest which pushed down. The silhouette rose into mid-air and floated an inch above my face, hands pulled my hair down and held my face still as the figure slowly came closer and closer. I heard an eerie breath and...

Monday 18 July 2016

The Empty Church

       The thunder growled at me accompanied by the flash of lightening as I ran on the soaked dirt road being pounded by the ice cold rain. The wind howled as I kept on running looking for shelter, the water bounced of the ground and into my eyes and with the thick fog I could barely see my hands in front of my face. I headed for the trees hoping they'd offer some shelter but I received none, I dodged round each tree still running at full pelt until my foot struck the root of a large tree and I crashed to the leave covered ground. I raised my now muddy head off the ground and saw a slab of stone sticking out the ground about an inch from my red nose that I could barely feel. As I stumbled forward I found more of these stones and realised I was in a grave yard, I finally came across the stone church and I threw open the wooden doors. They screamed as they were opened for the first time in years and crashed against the walls on either side creating a loud crash which echoed through the pitch black hall.
       Slowly I stepped in looking left and right cautiously and innocently I called out "Hello. Is anyone there?" and with no reply I carried on walking forwards. Again I called out warily "Hello. Anyone Here?" and still no reply. I walked to the pulpit slowly and saw a picture of a elderly man giving out a service on the small table holding a candle and the holy bible. I turned around and noticed a candle was alight by the doors of the church which were suddenly closed. I stared in fear knowing I never shut those doors or lit the candle and if the wind shut those doors I would have heard them close. "Hello, I mean no harm I'm just seeking some shelter." I called out to no reply. I walked to the centre of the church now terrified. I breathed heavily not knowing who, or what, was in the church with me. The fear overwhelmed me and I headed for the door despite the storm. I rapidly seized the door handle and pulled with all my strength, but the door didn't open, I tried again multiple times throwing my body back. I was locked in.
       I stepped away from the door at the point of tears and to my left I heard a glass smash. The sound echoed through the abandoned church emitting fear. I reluctantly turned my head to the source of the noise and as if my body was being possessed I walked over to a small cupboard filled with old bibles covered in dust and cobwebs, some mouldy loaves of bread and wine. I looked down to see the floor covered in glass and a red liquid. The pungent smell of alcohol filled my nostrils as I crouched to the floor I lay my frozen white fingers into the warm thick liquid, I new this wasn't wine. A cold bony hand wrapped around my mouth and...